Vanemuise Teater Bostonis esimisel kooli päeval! 8. september
Vanemuise Teater Eestist tuleb külla kahe etendusega : "Appi! Ooper?! Eesti lavamuusika!”
Asukoht: Nordic Hall, Scandinavian Living Center, 206 Waltham St,, West Newton, MA 02465
Vanemuise Teater annab pühapäeval, 8. septembril kaks kontsertetendust Bostoni-kandi eestlastele.
Kell 15.00 algab Vanemuise Teatri lasteetendus “Appi! Ooper!? Eesti lavamuusika”. Lasteetendus “Appi! Ooper!? Eesti lavamuusika” tutvustab eesti lavamuusika ajalugu ja kuuleme hitte eesti ooperi-, opereti- ja muusikalilavastusest. Piletid: $10 lastele (kuni 16.a.), $20 täiskasvanutele (Bostoni Eesti kooli õpilastele etendus tasuta)
Kell 17.30 annab Vanemuise Teatri trupp teise etenduse „Eesti operett Vanemuises“. Kontsertetendus valmis Vanemuise teatri 150. sünnipäevaks ja selle esietendus toimus augustis Tartus.
Eesti opereti õitsenguperiood jääb aastatesse 1955-1970. Sellest ajast praegu palju ei räägita, ent muusika, mida tollal loodi, on kõnekas ja omamoodi kütkestavgi. Värvikaid katkendeid Vanemuise laval olnud Eesti operettidest toovad lavale Merle Jalakas ja Jaan Willem Sibul, kontsertmeister on Ele Sonn. Kõlavad hitid, duetid või popurriid operettidest „Ainult unistus“, „Kuldvasikas“ (Boris Kõrver ); „Tuled kodusadamas“, „Rummu Jüri“ (Edgar Arro) ; „Puhkus Viljandis“ „Hermese kannul“ (Leo Normet) jpt.
Piletid: $10 lastele (kuni 16.a.), $20 täiskasvanutele
Vanemuine Theater from Estonia will give two performances
Vanemuine Theater from Tartu, Estonia will give two performances on Sunday, September 8 at the Scandinavian Living Center at 206 Waltham St, West Newton, MA 02465.
September 8 at 3:00 p.m. - Concert performance for children Help! Opera!? Estonian stage music. The performance will teach us about the history of Estonian stage music. We have a chance to listen to many hits from various Estonian operas, operettas, and musicals. Tickets: $20 adults, $10 discounted tickets (16 and under). The students of the Boston Estonian School free admission.
September 8 at 5:30 p.m. the second concert performance by Vanemuine Theater will be Estonian Operetta at Vanemuine. The performance was premiered in August in Tartu at the 150th anniversary of the Vanemuine Theater.
The most fruitful years in the Estonian operetta history were the years between 1955 and 1970. We don’t talk much about that period now but the operetta music that was composed during these years is very expressive and charming. Merle Jalakas and Jaan Willem Sibul will sing a colorful selection of operetta songs that have been performed at Vanemuine Theater over the years. The pianist is Ele Sonn. We will have a chance to listen to greatest hits – duets and potpourris – from operettas such as “Only a Dream” and “Golden Veal” by Boris Kõrver, “Lights at Home Harbor” and “Jüri from Rummu” by Edgar Arro, “Vacation in Viljandi” and “Following Hermes” by Leo Normet.
Tickets: $20 adults, $10 discounted tickets (16 and under).
Bostoni Eesti Kool alustab uut õppeaastat Vanemuise Teatriga Eestist!
Pühapäeval, 8. septembril kell 14 alustame uut 2019./2020. õppeaastat!
Esimene koolipäev on eriline mitme asja poolest. Esiteks saame kokku Scandinavian Living Center-is: 206 Waltham St, West Newton, MA 02465. Kõik järgnevad koolipäevad toimuvad meie tavapärases North Chelmsfordi kirikus. Teiseks tuleb meile esimesel koolipäeval külla Vanemuise Teater Eestist. Teatrietendus “Appi! Ooper!? Eesti lavamuusika” tutvustab eesti lavamuusika ajalugu ja kuuleme hitte eesti ooperi-, opereti- ja muusikalilavastusest.
Esimese koolipäeva ajakava 8. septembril:
14.00 Uue kooliaasta avamine, tutvustamine, koogisöömine
15.00 Vanemuise Teatri lasteetendus “Appi! Ooper!? Eesti lavamuusika”. Piletid: $10 lastele (kuni 16.a.), $20 täiskasvanutele (Bostoni Eesti kooli õpilastele etendus tasuta)
15.45 Küsimused näitlejatele, esinejatega suhtlemine
16.00 Esimene eesti keele tund
Koolipäev lõppeb kell 17.00.
Järgmised koolipäevad toimuvad Congregational Church North Chemsfordis aadressil 15 Princeton St, North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ja ikka pühapäeviti kella 14 kuni 17:
22. september
6. oktoober
20. oktoober
3. november
17. november
1. detsember
Rohkem infot: ja
Boston Estonian School starts its new school year with Vanemuine Theater from Estonia!

On Sunday, September 8 at 2 p.m. the Boston Estonian School starts its 2019-20 academic year.
Our first school day is special for several reasons. First, we are gathering at the Scandinavian Living Center at 206 Waltham St, West Newton, MA 02465. All other school days will be held at our regular location at the Congregational Church in North Chelmsford. Secondly, a group of actors from the Vanemuine Theater in Estonia will visit us on our first day. They will perform Help! Opera!? Estonian stage music that will teach us about the history of Estonian stage music. We have a chance to listen to many hits from various Estonian operas, operettas, and musicals.
The schedule on the first school day – September 8:
2 p.m. Convening for the new academic year. A sweet treat.
3 p.m. Vanemuine Theater performance for children Help! Opera!? Estonian stage music
3:45 p.m. Q&A with the actors
4 p.m. First Estonian class
The school day ends at 5 p.m.
The next school days will be held at our regular location at the Congregational Church in North Chelmsford at 15 Princeton St, North Chelmsford, MA 01863 and they are always on Sunday afternoons from 2 to 5:
September 22
October 6
October 20
November 3
November 17
December 1
More info: and