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BESi suvepiknik oli Rhode Islandis / BES summer picnic was in Rhode Island

BES suvepiknik toimus laupäeval, 9.ndal septembril Narragansett’i lahe ääres, Colt State pargis, Rhode Island’is. Piknikualale saabudes tervitasid meid teel Eesti lipu värvides õhupallid ja suur Eesti lipp. Kohal oli eestlasi nii Rhode Islandist, Massachusettsist kui ka Eestist. Saadi kokku vanade tuttavatega ja loodi ka mitmeid uusi tutvusi. Kõik said palju eesti keeles vestelda ja suve uudiseid kuulata.

Sportimisvõimalusi oli samuti, mängiti nii võrkpalli kui ka jalgpalli ning mõned sõitsid ka jalgrattaga. Meie looduskaunis pikniku kohas käidi ka ookeani ääres jalutamas. Sel palaval suvelõpu päeval leidus puude all piisavalt varju. Lisaks käisid julgemad nii vette kastmas kui ka ujumas. Oli palju andekaid ja esmakordseid grillmeistreid ning vorstid ja grillliha küpsesid kiiresti. Nagu eestlastele omane, oli laual viis erinevat kartulisalatit ja rosolje. Laudu kaunistasid Eesti lipuvärvides laudlinad ja ilusad suvelilled. Meie imeilus piknik jättis inimestele toreda mälestuse suveõhtust eesti keele, eesti toidu ja eesti tuttavatega. Jääme uut kohtumist ootama!


The BES Summer Picnic was held on Saturday, September 9th at beautiful Colt State Park, Rhode Island, along the shores of Narragansett Bay. Upon arriving at the picnic area, we were greeted along the way by balloons in the colors of the Estonian flag and a large Estonian flag. There were Estonians from Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Estonia. We met old acquaintances and made many new friends. Everyone was able to chat a lot in Estonian and listen to each others summer news.

There were also sporting activities, volleyball and football, and some people also rode bicycles. There was also a walk along the bay through fields and the picnic area. There was plenty of shade under the trees on this hot summer's day. In addition, the more adventurous went for a swim. There were plenty of talented and first-time barbecue masters, and the sausages and barbecue meat cooked quickly. As Estonians do, there were five different potato salads and rosolje on the table. The tables were decorated with Estonian flag-colored tablecloths and beautiful summer flowers. Our wonderful picnic left people with a nice memory of a summer evening with Estonian language, Estonian food and Estonian acquaintances. We look forward to meeting again!

By: Annela ja Allena Kelly


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