BES oktoobri ringkiri - BES October newsletter

Sügisene tervitus! Loodame, et teil kõigil oli imeline suvi. Meie suve piknik Colt State Parkis Rhode Islandis oli päris lõbus. Siin on ülevaade sügisel ja talvel planeeritud üritustest.
3. november – kõrtsiõhtu Bostonis
Meil on plaanis kokku saada, et veeta õhtu kõrtsis. Otsime kohta praegu, kus kokku saada. Praegune plaan on Democracy Brewing, kuigi asukoht võib muutuda.
Anna teada Aadu Pirnile ( kui oled huvitatud.
25. november - verivorstide talgud!
North Chelmsford Congregational Church kell 08:00 kuni 14:00.
2. detsember - "Baltic Christmas market" Connecticuti Eesti Seltsiga .
Emaili kui sa soovid rohkem infot.
17. detsember - Bostoni Eesti Seltsi jõulupidu.
Pärastlõunal, Nordic Hall, Scandinavian Living Center - Newton MA.
24. veebruar 2024 - Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva tähistamine.
Scandinavian Living Center - Newton MA
Hello all! We hope you've had a wonderful summer. Our summer picnic at Colt State Park in Rhode Island was quite fun. As we look into the fall and winter, we want to keep everyone aware of events planned in the next few months. More details to follow in the next notice.
November 3 - Bar night in Boston.
We're planning on gathering casually for a night at a brewery. We're currently working to book space at Democracy Brewing in Boston though the location may change.
Please notify Aadu Pirn ( if you plan on attending.
November 25 - Blood sausage making!
We'll be gathering at North Chelmsford Congregational Church from 8am to 2pm for our annual blood sausage making.
December 2 - Baltic Christmas market hosted by the Connecticut Estonian Society.
Reach out to for more info.
December 17 - Boston Estonian Society Christmas party.
Afternoon, Nordic Hall, Scandinavian Living Center - Newton MA
February 24, 2024 - Estonian Independence Day celebration
Scandinavian Living Center - Newton MA
The Paradox of Seabrook Farms
Helga Merits, a Dutch-Estonian filmmaker, is creating a documentary about Seabrook Farms, a frozen food processing plant, which employed many Estonian immigrants from our community.
They are working to fund completion of the film.
Find out more here:
Check out their GoFundMe here: