BESi talve uudised /BES winter newsletter

(English version follows after the Estonian version)
BESi suusa -ja vastlapäev
Suusapäev leiab aset laupäev, 12. veebrauril, kella 10:00 kuni 3:00 pl Saima Pargis, Fitchburg, MA.
Naudime koos ilusat talvist ilma, koosolemist ja talisporti soomlaste Saima pargis. Seal saab suusatada, kelgutada, tantsida rahvatantsu soomlastega või lihtsalt nautida talvist ilma. Kui omal varustus puudub, siis koha peal saab tasuta laenutada murdmaa suuski, keppe ja saapaid. Müügil on Soome kohvileib, kohv, tee, kakao ja vesi. Külalistel on võimalus oma lõunasöök kaasa võtta ja seda nautida saalis või õues. Sees on vaja näidata vaksineerimis kaarti või selle koopiat ja maski. Suusatingimuste kohta helistage 978 345-0852.
Kui lund ei ole sel päeval, siis toimub suusapäev 19. veebruaril.
Loodame teid näha metsas suusarajal!
Rohkem infot: ja küsimuste korral võib ühendust võtta Paul Attemanniga 401-536-0755, Eesti Vabariigi 104 aastapäeva tähistamine Seltsil on room kutsuda kõiki seltsiliikmeid ja külalisi EV104 tähistamisele 27.veebruaril kella 3-6 pl, Scandinavian Living Centeris. (Aadress on 206 Waltham St., Newton, MA 02465) Kõikidel osalejatel peab olema ettenaidata vaktsiini kaart voi pilt kahe vaksiiniga. Kahjuks on see SLC maja reegel. Peo kavas on Eesti Vabariigi presidendi kõne, Balti Filmi Festivali filmitegijate kõne, Bostoni Eesti Kooli koolilaste esinemine ja loomulikult meie oma armasa Epp Sonini esinemine. Küsimustega poorduge Sel aastal on peolaua stiil "potluck" ja et laud saaks rikkalik, palume osavotjatel midagi suupisteks kaasa võtta kas soolast või/ja magusat. Kohtumiseni EV104 peol!
Tule Ja Naudi Meiega Baltimaade Filmikunsti
Suurel ekraanil 25-27 veebruar
Virtuaalne festival 28 veebruar - 8 märts
Bostoni Eesti Selts koostöös Boston Balti Filmifestivaliga teatab põnevusega et taas on toimumas Boston Balti Filmifestival ja toome suurele ekraanile nautimiseks värsket Baltimaade filmikunsti. Festival toimub Emerson Paramont Center’i kinosaalis kui ka virtuaalselt. Suurel ekraanil esitame 9 filmi, 3 igast Balti riigist. Eesti filmidest tuleb esilinastusele Oskar Lutsu romaani ainetel valminud mängufilm "Soo." Filmdele lisandub vestlus aukülaliste ning filmitegejatega kolmest Balti riigist. Virtuaalprogrammis on vaatamiseks 7 filmi. Palun jälgi veebruari algul ilmuvat festivalikava erinevusi, sest kõik Läti ja Leedu filmid ei ole virtuaalselt vaadatavad. Ekraanile jagub nii põnevust, spionaazi, pinget, armastust kui ka elumurede ja ajalooga seotud teemasid.
Lisainfo ja piletite eelmüüki saab jälgida
BESi Aastakoosolek (aprillis) Ka sel aastal toimub aastakoosolek virtuaalselt. Päevakorras on eelmise aasta tegevus, organisatsiooni ametialad ja tulevased üritused. Kõik on oodatud osavõtma seltsi tegevuse arutlusest ja jagamast oma ideid. Meil on juhatuses täita mõned ametikohad, sealhulgas presidendi ja asepresidendi positsioonid. Kui teil on küsimusi ja soovite rohkem teada, mida see endaga kaasa toob, siis ärge häbenege ja võtke meiega ühendust aadressil või Aitäh!
BES Ski Day or ‘Shrove Tuesday’
Saturday, February 12, 10:00 – 3:00 Saima Park, Fitchburg, MA
All are invited to cross country ski, snowshoe, or hike on Saima Park's beautiful, groomed trails. A limited supply of equipment is available to borrow. Finnish coffee bread, coffee/tea/cocoa, and water will be for sale. Visitors may bring their own lunch to enjoy in the Function Hall. Vaccination proof and masks are required inside. A sufficient amount of snow is necessary for the trails to be groomed. For the enjoyment of all, please reserve the grooved tracks for skiing. For ski conditions, call 978 345-0852. If there is no snow, we will try to for the following Saturday, February 19th. or contact Paul Attemann, 401-536-0755, Estonian Independence Day 104 This year marks the 104th anniversary of Estonian Independence which we will celebrate on Sunday, February 27th from 3:00-6:00 pm at the Scandinavian Cultural Center, 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, Massachusetts. In conjunction with the Boston Baltic Film Festival February 25-27, we plan to have a few special guests joining us from Estonia. They are directors of the Estonian films that are featured at the film festival and will be our keynote speaker(s). We are very excited to have them join our Vabariigi Aastapäev celebration.
The informal program will include presentations from our special guests, singing by the Boston Estonian School students as well as the accomplished Epp-Karike Sonin. This will be followed by a potluck style buffet of open sandwiches, savory and sweet bites to eat, coffee/tea. So, please bring something to share. For more info, contact Per the venue's regulations, all attendees are required to be fully vaccinated and we will be asking for proof of vaccinations at the door. we have been asked to keep to the hall and must be masked while outside the hall. We hope to see as many of you as possible!
Travel again with Baltic Cinema!
In-person February 25-27 Virtual festival February 28 - March 8 The Boston Estonian Society in cooperation with the Boston Baltic Film Festival committee is excited to announce that the Boston Baltic Film Festival is taking place again, bringing new Baltic films to the big screen at the Emerson Paramount Center in Boston.
The festival offers both in-person and virtual viewing of three films from each of the Baltic countries. Nine films are offered for in-person viewing at the theater — with the United States premiere of the Estonian film Soo [The Bog]. Seven films will be later streamed for virtual home viewing. A panel discussion with the filmmakers, making their guest appearances at the festival, is also planned for the event.
The films are full of excitement, intrigue, romance, and espionage, as well as topics related to our historical past and our current lives.
More information about the films and the ticket sales can be found at
BES Annual Membership Meeting in April We are planning to meet virtually this year to discuss last year's activities, the state of the organization and future events. All are welcomed to participate and contribute to the discussion and decision making and we look forward to seeing you. We have a few positions to fill on board of directors, including the key positions of President and Vice-president. If you have any questions and would like to know more about what this entails, please don't be shy and reach out to us at or Thank you! This and That/ Seda ja Teist
Hey ESTO Ski Enthusiasts: Great news...Jay Peak reservations has reported that a little over 100 ESTOS have already booked their accommodations for ESTO Ski 2022...woohoo! They've also reminded us it's likely going to be "full house" during our weekend of March 10th - 13th. So please, if you're thinking about coming, book your lodgings right away so you don't get shut out trying to book last minute. LODGINGS INFO At Jay, all lodging is located directly at the resort and free shuttle service is available so that ESTOS never have to use their vehicles while on site. Nearly all the lodging is ski-in/ski-out, including the privately owned 2,3,4 and 5-bedroom Village Condos located off the Village Chairlift. Some units including the 2-bedroom Cottages and Timberline Condos are a short shuttle ride to one of the two base areas, (Tramside or Stateside). Whether you stay in one of the Hotel suites, Condos, or Cottages, most of the lodging is within walking distance to a lift or is a very short shuttle ride.
HOW TO BOOK Prior to calling the central reservations office at Jay Peak (800-451-4449 open 8am to 4pm) please visit the Jay Peak Resort website for unit locations using the resort map link provided, unit descriptions and photos. The res agent will provide additional information about units and availability for the dates you are inquiring about. They will also be able to provide exact pricing based on how many adults or adults/juniors in the unit of your choice. Please note that all accommodations available through the Jay Peak central res office include daily lift tickets for your entire length of stay. Jay’s business model is “package only” - they do not offer separate lodging rates without lift tickets PLEASE NOTE - ESTO Ski 2022 has secured a 25% discount off Jay Peak retail rates so be sure to mention/ask for the "Estonia Discount" (or group # 936658) as it will be provided across all units at the Jay Peak resort. HERE’S A COUPLE OF EXAMPLES - 4 adults staying in a 2-bedroom at the Cottages for 3 nights (Thursday March 10th to Sunday March 13th) would be $1716.75 Package includes lodging for 3 nights and lift tickets for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Another great option is the Stateside Hotel. If you’re 2 people looking to stay in a ski in/out suite with 2 queen beds at double occupancy, the rate per unit would be $1231.97. Package includes 3 nights lodging (Thursday March 10th to Sunday March 13th), 3 days of lift tickets and 3 breakfasts each at Howie’s Restaurant located in Stateside Hotel
FOR OUR CANADIAN FRIENDS - Nov 8th land border reopening! Also, Jay Peak maintains an “AT Par” policy for 50% of lodging cost. Here’s how it works - your initial deposit gets charged in US funds taken on your CDN credit card, it will be automatically converted from US to CDN at whatever rate your credit card company is using. The remaining 50% balance can be paid AT PAR, on check in with Canadian Cash, Certified Check or Money Order. No exchange rate adjustments will be made for other payment types. Lastly Please keep an eye out for more info to follow regarding our sponsorships, social events, itinerary and costs. We hope you will plan to attend and help make more great ESTO Ski memories for 2022.