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BES Suvepiknik ja August uudised/BES Summer picnic and August newsletter

2022 Bostoni Eesti Seltsi suvepiknik

27 August, 15:00 - 21:00 p.l.

Saima Park, 67 Scott Road

Fitchburg, MA

Bostoni Eesti Selts kutsub kõiki uusi ja vanu sõpru meie iga-aastasele piknikule. Sel aastal koguneme jälle Saima pargi Soome keskuses, mis asub Fitchburgis, MA. Üritus toimub 27. augustil kell 15.00 - 21.00.

Meie kasutada on Ravintola & Sirkka Liukkonen'i mälestuseks rajatud vabaõhu paviljon, kus on piknikulauad, suur barbeque grill, tualetid ja võimalus mängida muusikat. Maa-ala on suur ja ideaalne igasuguste murumängude jaoks, nii et võta kaasa hea tuju ja palju energiat. Nagu alati, on BES-il plaanis korraldada mõned mängud lastele, tuulelohe lennutamine, slip-n-slides lastele, võrkpall ja muid tegevusi. Palun võta julgelt kaasa oma lemmik mäng, et seda teistega jagada. Kes mängida ei soovi, saavad nautida kauneid jalutuskäike metsas.

Plaanis on ka Muinastulede öö tähistamine lõkkega kell 19.00!

Piknikul pakutakse osavõtjatele grillitud vorste, taimetoidu burgereid ja eestipäraseid salateid. Palume osavõtjatel kaasa tuua kohvilauale magusat. Oma vein, õlu või suvised spritzerid on lubatud kaasa võtta!

Kui soovite BES-i toidu valmistamisel aidata, registreeruge selle lingi kaudu. Toidulaua rikastamiseks tehtud kulutused kaetakse soovi korral BES'i poolt kviitungi ettenäitamisel:

Ukraina toetuse lotterii: Plaanis on "50/50 raffle" ja loterii Ukraina toetuseks. Ukraina Vabariigi aastapäev on 24. august. Laekunud summa kantakse üle Bostoni Ukraina seltsile.

Palun eelregistreeru meie veebilehel ( või maksa kohapeal.


BES'i liige: $20/üksikisik; pere (3+): $40

Mitte-liige: $25/üksikisik; pere (3+): $50

Pensionär (65 või vanem): $10

Kirjuta kuupäev oma kalendrisse, eelregistreeri ennast ja reklaami meie suvepäevade kutset oma lähedaste ja sõpradega! Ootame kõiki taas ja soovime teile ilusat suve! Olge terved ja rõõmsad! Kohtume suvepiknikul!

Küsimustega pöörduda: or

Boston Eesti Kool

Bostoni Eesti Kool saab ka algaval kooliaastal kokku kaks korda kuus pühapäeva pärastlõunatel kell 14-17 North Chelmsfordi Congregational Church (15 Princeton St.). 2022/2023. kooliaasta esimese poole kuupäevad: 11. september, 25. september, 2. oktoober, 16. oktoober, 23. oktoober, 6. november, 20. november, 4. detsember. NB! 23. oktoobri koolipäeval on meil külas rahvakultuuri õpetajad Eestist, Saaremaalt! Selle päeva koolipäeva viivad läbi nemad! Juhataja: Triin Vallaste,


Boston Estonian Society Summer Picnic 2022

August 27, 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Saima Park, 67 Scott Road

Fitchburg, MA

The Boston Estonian Society is pleased to announce that our annual summer picnic will be returning to Saima Park this year.

Last year, we enjoyed the open-air pavilion equipped with picnic tables, a large barbeque grill, and lots of space. BES will organize children’s games, kite flying, slip-n-slides, tug-of-war, volleyball and other activities. Please feel free to bring along your favorite game as well. A beautiful trail network in the wooded hillside also beckons for those who would like to go for a walk in the woods.

We also plan to celebrate "Muinastulede öö" with a bonfire at 7:00 pm!

The banquet table will offer grilled sausages, veggie burgers, and typical Estonian summer picnic fare. We ask that people bring a small dessert for the coffee table and your own wine, beer or summer spritzers.

If you'd like to help BES with some food preparation please sign up with this link. Purchases will be reimbursed (bring your receipts!).

We'll be running a 50/50 raffle and auction to raise money for Ukrainian relief. August 24 is Ukrainian Independence Day, let's raise money to help ensure they celebrate many more.

You can buy tickets ahead of time at or at the event.


BES members: $20/individual; family (3+): $40

Non-members: $25/individual; family (3+): $50

Retirees (65 or older): $10

Save the date on your calendars, register online now if you can, and pass along this invitation to friends and family! We are looking forward to seeing everyone again and hope your summer has been wonderful so far! Be well and be healthy!

Boston Estonian School

During the upcoming school year, Boston Estonian School will meet twice a month on Sunday afternoons from 2 to 5 at the Congregational Church in North Chelmsford (15 Princeton St.). The dates of the first semester of 2022-2023: September 11, September 25, October 2, October 16, October 23, November 6, November 20, December 4. Important: The October 23 school day will be led by traditional culture teachers from Saaremaa, Estonia!

Director: Triin Vallaste,

94 Eesti aukonsulit kohtusid Eestis / 94 Estonian Honoary Consuls met in Estonia

In early July, our Society member and Honorary Consul of Estonia in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Anne-Reet Annunziata, attended the 9th Conference of Honorary Consults which took place in Tallinn with a business excursion to the eastern most Estonian region of Narva. The traditional format of the Conferences, held every four years, provides a tour to a selected location so Consuls can learn about regional businesses and industries as well as customs, dialects and foods. This year’s location was Narva and Kohtla-Järve, an area known for controversial oil shale mining which has been in the process of being phased out gradually. This process however has become complicated by recent energy shortages. The area also has heavy metal manufacturing and other heavy industries, some of which have been impacted by the sanctions imposed on Russian and Ukrainian raw materials so this tour was especially valuable for our education. Most of you know the Honorary Consul as someone who hands out documents but our role is in fact quite broad. Here is the description offered by Estonia’s President Alar Karis at our recent event: Estonian becomes larger through the help of its friends. Currently we have 200 such friends in 90 countries who contribute alongside their regular work the representation of Estonia. It has been a great pleasure to welcome our Honorary Consuls today at Kadridorg. The Honorary Consuls are important, invaluable members of our diplomatic family and representatives of Estonia in their home countries. As well as assisting Estonian citizens they have the role of introducing Estonia more widely to the world. They support our businesses with opportunities for expansion to larger markets and introduce Estonian companies to potential international investors. As a previous Chilean Honorary Consul in Estonia, I appreciate the meaning of this work and highly value their input.” But the Conference also has a delightful social side at which we meet others from around the world and share experiences over a glass of wine. In the current climate of the Ukrainian war and our location at the Russian border fortification for our social event on the Narva river we used the occasion to hold our glasses high and shout in unison “Long Live Ukraine” which was surely heard at Ivangorod.


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